To get started, Choose your level of skill and click "Start Course!"
Free Trial Course
To give us a try, sign up below and start watching these free videos for three weeks! No Credit Card Required!

Level 1 - Beginners
In this course we will learn the basics of guitars! We begin with learning how to name all the parts of your guitar, how to hold and strum properly. We will learn our first chords, A and E7, and apply that to our first song! By the end of this course you will know 5-6 chords, and be able to play an awesome 5-6 jams for your friends and family! Click below to get started.

Level 2 - Second Year
We are now at the level of my second year students. We will start by adding the chord, G, which gives you a lot more songs to play. We will also add a few new strums, in 3/4 and 4/4 time. We will, though, reinforce much of what we learned in level 1, to warm up, and learn new chords, songs, and techniques.

Level 3 - Third Year
In this level, we will learn some more interesting strums, and definitely add new, harder, chords. We will reinforce your 3/4 time and 4/4 time strums. And we will will greatly increase your variety of songs that you can play. You will learn some picking patterns, and some theory about the musical universe, to help you learn to play power chords, and bass guitar

Technique Videos
In this section, you can learn about guitar types and sizes, tuning with a clip on tuner, strums, and picking patterns. Use these videos as you need them. Some will compliment the videos you are taking, in our Level 1 Beginner course.

Christian Rock
For those who already play the guitar, in this section, you can learn some simple, popular Christian Rock songs.